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What is a Paradox?

 A thing that is made up of contradictory elements

Try out this website, which is full of visual paradoxes


Visual Paradox and Optical Illusions



What is an environment?

1. The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.

2. The setting or conditions in which a particular activity is carried on1) Large background image that sets the stage2) an image that can move in and out of the window- should appear tocome toward the viewer

3. three (3) pictures that support the illusion of the environment



Set paper to 11 x 8.5

Resolution is 300

Save as lastnameparadox.psd

You will be using Photoshop to create a paradoxical situation.First you need some sort of opening/ Then you'll need to clean it out. Suggestions for openings: doors, window, curtains ec...You will create a unique environment on the inside of the window using only (5) images.


(1) Background

(1) Comes out of the opening

(3) Create a realistic environment


Once you are done , you will be creating the opposite environment behind the window using 5 images as well.


1) Large background image that sets the stage behind the window

2) an image that can move into the window- should appear tocome toward the viewer

3) three (3) pictures that support the illusion of the environment


Visual Paradox




reversal of natural laws, illogical/out of place  things



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