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Controlled Depth of Field

How does depth of field work with a camera?

Depth of Field refers to the distance between the nearest and the furthest objects that give an image judged to be in focus in a camera.

Shallow depth of field means that you are closer to the object you are shooting with your camera and that the background is blurry.

A deep depth of filed means that not only is your subject clear and in sharp focus but so is all of the background behind them.

So how does this work with the camera?

a low F-Stop will give you a shallow depth of field where a higher F-stop will give you a deep depth of field

Why use a deep depth when taking a portrait?

If you want to show where a person, is as in travel photography. The landscape is as important as the subject.

Steve had a great time in Scotland.

Why use a shallow depth of field?

When you want to focus on just your subject you will use a shallow depth of field. This is an intimate closeup.

More tips for shooting portraits

For this assignment you will shoot two portraits using outdoor lighting. 
1 using SHALLOW DOF (10 photos)
1 USING DEEP DOF (10 photos)
When shooting your portraits make sure to use the tips on shoot portraits from the presentation. 

Turn in: 

  • 1 contact sheet of at least 20 portraits you have shot. (10 of each approximately)

  • 1 portrait showing SHALLOW DOF

  • 1 portrait showing DEEP DOF

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