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Light Painting

What is light painting?

Light painting is an imaging technique that uses a moving light source to add light to an under-illuminated subject while taking a long-exposure photograph. A scene or object can be brought to life by painting with a beam of light!

You, the photographer, becomes an artist, and instead of just capturing an image as presented, with light painting you create the image that the camera is capturing. Light painting may take lots of patience and practice to perfect, but the results can be very rewarding. But let’s not make this sound too complicated – light painting is a lot like any low light photography, except in this scenario we are putting an outside light source in motion to enhance an image. Let’s take a look at some of the basics for light painting photography.

 from :


Read the attached online article. Choose one or two photographers that interest you.

Create a google doc and copy 4 images that you find interesting or would like to try out during our light painting session onto the document.

Explain why You picked these image.

What you find interesting about them and how you might want to try these techniques out during our light painting session.

Find another artist on your own and paste 2 more pictures in describing why you chose them.

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