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Bokeh Photography

Bokeh comes from the Japanese word boke (ボケ), which means "blur" or "haze", or boke-aji, the "blur quality." Bokeh is pronounced BOH-Kə or BOH-kay.

Bokeh is defined as “the effect of a soft out-of-focus background that you get when shooting a subject, using a fast lens, at the widest aperture, such as f/2.8 or wider.”

Simply put, bokeh is the pleasing or aesthetic quality of out-of-focus blur in a photograph.

Although bokeh is actually a characteristic of a photograph, the lens used determines the shape and size of the visible bokeh. Usually seen more in highlights, bokeh is affected by the shape of the diaphragm blades (the aperture) of the lens. A lens with more circular shaped blades will have rounder, softer orbs of out-of-focus highlights, whereas a lens with an aperture that is more hexagonal in shape will reflect that shape in the highlights. = Nikon USA

Bokeh is achieved through a large aperture opening (like f2.8) and having the camera close to the subject.

By increasing the distance between the background and your subject, you can see bokeh in images that are shot at smaller apertures like f/8.



(Optional - Extra Credit)
Quick Bokeh Effects
Beautiful Bokeh Effects

Create your own Bokeh

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