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Frankenstein's Monster


Objective: In the Frankenstein’s Monster project, you must create a body out of a various body parts. You must also find an appropriate background for the monster andcreate a correctly shaped shadow.

Frankenstein’s monster is a fictional character from Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel Frankenstein


Victor Frankenstein builds the creature in his laboratory through an ambiguous method consisting of chemistry and alchemy. Shelley describes the monster as 8-foot-tall (2.4 m), hideously ugly, but sensitive and emotional. The monster attempts to fit into human society but is shunned, which leads him to seek revenge against Frankenstein.

In Photoshop:

Set your paper to 8.5 x 11

Resolution: 150


Background image that will be appropriate to your monster.

Different limbs for arms, legs, hands, feet, head, and torso.

Arrange layers so that they look believable and work with the rest of the body- This may mean erasing and using  filters and adjustments to make the pieces work together.

Shadow-You will need to create a realistic shadow for your monster. We will demonstrate this in class.

Hint: In order to make your monster believable think about keeping parts and pieces similar in style. For example if you are using super heroes try to keep all the pieces from super heroes.

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