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Creating a Portfolio

Creating a Portfolio

There are a variety of sites that will allow you to create your own website for this assignment. Choose one that you like because you will managing and uploading work to it over the course of the year.


1. Main Page Page-

Introduction. Talk a little bit about yourself. DON”T use last names. Discuss what you like about taking pictures and what drew you to photography

2. Portfolio Page-
The purpose of your portfolio is to showcase the work you think is your best and most successful. You will choose a personal focus for this year and use this area to demonstrate growth in the subject matter.

3. Artist Statement-

*make a space for this now- we will come back to it when you have something to write.

Writing your Artist Statement. The purpose of artist statements  to describe to others the intent of your artwork, your process, and show your thinking and learning. 

Please write in complete sentences, in paragraph form and check your work for spelling and grammar. Remember when you refer to yourself it is “I” NOT “i.” This will count in your grade. You are writing to the world here, not just to me. 

Make sure to correctly incorporate academic words that we have used in Photography such as:
Composition (how all of the elements in the photos are arranged), focal point, color, rule-of-thirds, balance, content, clarity, focus, deep depth-of-field, shallow depth-of-field, abstract, etc.

Your artist statement will be on your new Portfolio Tab either above or below your photographs. 
·      As you look at the work in your Portfolio tab what stands out as being your best work and why?
·      How has your approach to photography changed over this year? In other words what do you do differently now than before taking this class or how have you grown?
·      Do you tend to shoot a particular type of subject?  What are you drawn to?
·      What do you look for to take an interesting photograph?
·      Now, looking at your answers to the above questions AND continuing to look at your images, write a short text (about 2-3 sentences) about you as a photographer.  Promote your strengths and unique qualities as an artist. 


4. Publish

Publish your website and double check all your spelling. 

5. Look and Feel

This includes everything from the way you set up navigation on your site to colors you use. A couple of things to remember.

  • When working with text-any text- Light over Dark, or Dark over Light.

  • People need to be able to read what you wrote not just look at the pictures.

  • Use San Serif fonts for better reading on line-no feet or hands on the letters

  • Group text- don’t have it run around the page.

  • Make sure to use larger images on your site not just thumbnails

Amazing Photo Portfolios to get ideas from:

Great Photographer Porfolios

Stunning Photo Portfolios on Wix

30 portfolios to impress you

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