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Elements of Design

Elements of Art

Line: The most basic element of design is the line. Basically a

line is any two connected points.  Lines are useful for dividing space

and drawing the eye to a specific location.





Color: Color creates a mood within the piece and tells a story

about the brand. Every color says something different, and combinations

can alter that impression  further. Primary colors are red, yellow and

blue. They make secondary colors orange, green and purple. Color is

defined by light and paint.




Shape: A shape is a closed figure or form. Shapes can be geometric

like squares and circles , or organic. Shapes are flat.




Space:  refers to distances or areas around, between or within

components of a piece. Space can be positive (white or light) or negative

(black or dark), open or closed, shallow or deep and two-dimensional or





Form: are three-dimensional shapes expressing length, width, and

depth. Balls, cylinders, boxes, and pyramids are forms.




Texture: the surface quality that can be seen and felt. Textures can

be rough or smooth, soft or hard. Textures do not always feel the way

they look; for exam-ple, a drawing of a porcupine may look prickly, but

if you touch the drawing, the paper is still smooth.




Value: Value refers to relative lightness and darkness and is perceived in

terms of varying levels of contrast.

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