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Final Museum Poster

The Concept Poster Design


You’ve spent several weeks creating the different parts for this poster. NOW is the time to put it all together.

for your museum set document to (19 x 13 inches, h or v). The concept sheet should not

only show the elements you’ve created, but  have a look and feel that reflects the

overall branding of the museum.

Resolution 300

You must include:


  • Best Logo and Name combination  business card

  • Floor Plan or Map of Museum

  • Exhibit you’ve designed

  • Location Image- What it looks like around your museum

  • Background- could include texture, gradient, drop shadows

  • Explanation of and purpose for the museum

  • Museum Address (Make it Up)

  • Headline- Introduce your museum- What makes it special?

  • Explain how you incorporated human and environmental design into your museum

  • How did you address accessibility for all patrons or guests?

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